Business hours for enquiries:

9:30 am – 5:30 pm (from Monday to Friday)

Please contact us should you wish to discuss further the potential management of your residential block, please email us at and provide as much information as you can and we will then contact you accordingly.

Thank you.

Telephone: 020 8370 4810


If you are an existing property owner and would like to raise a request please email us at

Out of hours support:

If there is an emergency in the common areas outside of our office hours, please telephone 020 8090 1585. This phone number is administered by ADIUVO who provides an emergency call handling and deployment service. Please note that this service is available for emergencies within the communcal areas only. If you have an emergency within your flat, you will need to appoint your own contractor. Tenants should always contact their landlord or letting agent if there is an issue inside the property.