You can pay your service charge by Bank to Bank Transfer, monthly Standing Order or Cheque. If you wish to discuss this further please contact this office directly via
We are legally bound to collect monies on behalf of the Management Company or Freeholder in accordance with the Terms of the Lease. The amount detailed on your service charge demand should be paid by return.
If you wish to pay by bank-to-bank transfer using your online banking application or at your branch please use the bank account details specified on your service charge demand and quote your Payment Reference with the payment. Please then e-mail us at to confirm that you have made the payment or advise us of your monthly payment plan.
Please note that we no longer provide standing order mandate forms by post for monthly payment. If you wish to pay by this method, please contact us at as soon as possible so we can calculate a payment plan with you. You can then set up your new standing order directly with your bank online or at your bank branch, using the bank details provided on the demand.
Please remember that standing order must be changed and renewed at the commencement of your development’s financial year in order that the amount paid reflects the current budget and any other outstanding balance. Any previous standing order instruction should be cancelled. If you already have a standing order set up for the full financial year and you have received a half year service charge demand at the mid-point of this period, this demand is for your information only, we must still send in accordance with the terms of your lease.
Please make a cheque payable to your Management Company – the name of this organisation is specified on the Service Charge Demand. Please write your name and address of the property and your Payment Reference on the back of the cheque and send to our office at:
Ian Gibbs Estate Management , 49-51 Windmill Hill, Enfield, Middlesex, EN2 7AE.